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07 Jul

All about Injections

A needle being prepped before injectionBikini season is almost here, are you ready?

Let’s face it, sometimes you need a little boost to lose fat and gain muscle. Sure, you’re doing everything you know to do, eating well on our program and working out, but you need a little edge.

That’s where our injections come in.

Now before you get scared, realize that these are nearly painless, and the benefits far outweigh a tiny shot.

If you work out on a regular basis, you might like our Lipo Sport. This fat burner speeds up your metabolism so you can burn more fat, and even enhances your workouts. The bonus? It’s only $40.

What if you need a little more fat burning power? There’s Lipoden ($30), which expedites the breakdown of fat during metabolism and gets it out of the body. As an added bonus, it’s promotes liver health. These are ideal twice a week at most.

And have you ever heard of L-carnitine? It’s found in things like red meat, but we all know you can’t eat too much of that due to the adverse health effects. Instead, you can get this $30 injection that serves as a natural appetite suppressant and fat burner. You can also get these up to twice a week at most.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment to burn fat faster with injections!* 210-615-1300

*Individual results may vary


16 Jun

Weight-Loss Myths Debunked

A scale with the words "lose weight now" on it

If you’ve tried to lose weight at any point in your life, you’ve no doubt seen the plethora of articles, tips, tricks, pills, and potions out there. Every time you turn around there is another study that contradicts the last one, and you hear so many “bad” words, you can’t tell what’s what. Bad carbs, bad fats, clean foods, cheat meals – it can all be so confusing!

So, we’re here to simplify things for you by debunking some common weight loss myths you may have heard out there.

Myth #1: The best way to measure your progress is with the scale.

FALSE. You could be losing muscle or water weight, not fat. The scale can go up or down by several pounds a day just from the foods you eat, how much salt you intake, hormonal changes, or because of the time of day you weigh. For example, if you eat a ton of bread, pizza and salt – you’ll no doubt be retaining a lot of water. And women especially know about the changes their bodies go through during certain times of the month, and can gain or lose several pounds in a week as a result. Sure, the scale is great for accountability, but getting your body fat measured and checking your measurements should be priority, too.

Myth#2: Only morbidly obese people need a medically supervised program.

FALSE. Anyone with at least 5 pounds to lose can benefit from our program. Think about it – aren’t you sick of the yo-yo dieting and roller coaster ride of emotions that goes along with it? If you’re not a Doctor or Nurse, Dietician or Nutritionist specializing in weight loss, you probably don’t know everything there is to losing weight and the human body. So why not trust an expert to guide you along on your journey? Click here to learn more.

Myth #3: Anyone should be able to lose weight if they just eat right and exercise.

FALSE. We do several tests to check thyroid function, glucose levels and kidney function, because sometimes healthy eating and exercising aren’t enough. Sometimes you need a little extra help, and there may be underlying issues you’re unaware of that are stalling your progress. Besides, what is healthy or clean eating? That’s such a broad, vague statement, and there are so many conflicting messages out there – it’s easy to get overwhelmed or confused.

But we are here to help.

Call us today to learn more, and to schedule your first consultation. Don’t put it off any longer, do something great for your body and wellbeing, today. 210-615-1300

02 Jun

3 reasons to try medically supervised weight loss

A woman measuring her waistIf you have a class reunion, birthday or anniversary, or just want to get in shape for summer – you’re not doubt thinking about losing some weight and getting in shape.

But how? You may have tried and failed countless times before, and tired every “diet” in the world, but nothing sticks. What gives?

Well, have you ever thought about medically supervised weight loss? Here are three reasons, in case you’re on the fence:

First, our program is easy to follow. There’s no need for spending countless hours calculating out how much to eat of which foods at what times, or what workouts to do when and for how long – we make our programs easy, because we know you already have enough to deal with. Let’s face it, people are strapped for time, and many times that’s how they became overweight in the first place!

Second, we are there for you. We strive to answer any questions you have along the way, and make the program as seamless and easy to follow as ever. We know a support system has been shown to help people when making a lifestyle change, and our nurses know how to keep you motivated and accountable along the way. We don’t want you to have energy crashes or feel starved, and we don’t want you confused or overwhelmed at any point.

Finally, we use science not guessing. We take several measurements and give you lots of tests to determine exactly what will work best for you, and where we are starting from. We measure your body fat, BMI, take your measurements, weigh you, and even do lab work and an EKG for some clients. All to ensure we find the best program to meet your specific body and needs.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment; you’ll be so glad you did. 210-615-1300


19 May

Everything you need to know about Vitamin B12

An assortment of pillsAt Medical Weight Loss Clinic & Spa, one of the treatments we offer is Vitamin B12 injections. In short, this vitamin speeds up metabolism and assists in the formation of red blood cells. Have more questions, we’ve got you covered!

Can Vitamin B12 be found in foods?
Yes. It’s a vitamin that can often be found in meat, fish and dairy products. If you regularly consume foods rich in B12, great! If not, that’s why we have the injections.

Can Vitamin B12 treat diseases?
Most commonly, it is used for treating and preventing vitamin B12 deficiency and pernicious anemia. Vitamin B12 supplements are used to increase the levels of the vitamin in the bloodstream.

Other known uses of Vitamin B12 include treating Alzheimer’s, male infertility, diabetes, sleep disorders, osteoporosis, and asthma, to name a few.

How can Vitamin B12 help me?
If you don’t have to deal with any of the diseases listed above, Vitamin B12 can still be effective and necessary. It can be a mood booster, energy booster, and slow the aging process. Because this vitamin is essential in the development of the brain, central nervous system, and blood cells, it can assist in treating a variety of problems.

Whether you have a condition that can be treated with Vitamin B12 or you’re simply interested in how it can aid in energy, weight loss and brain function, call now to book a consultation: (210) 615-1300.

08 May

Look and Feel Great This Spring

At Medical Center Weight Loss Clinic and Spa of San Antonio we not only want you to look great on the surface, but we want to dramatically improve your health so you look and feel great this year.

As spring turns to summer and the weather heats up, now is the time to do something about the way you look and feel. That’s why we’re offering a Mother’s Day Special until May 31 where you can get HALF OFF Fat Burner Injections and B12!

Fat-Burner-InjectionsIf you’re uncertain about our injections, we can guarantee that they’re safe and affordable. We offer an array of injection options that provide energy, help with weight loss, and suppress appetite.

The Vitamin B12 injection is one of the most affordable and effective. It is recommended that these injections are administered weekly. As more red blood cells are formed, metabolism speeds up, and oxygen is transported more effectively throughout the body, you’ll find yourself with more energy and a sharper mind after the B12 injections.

Want a professional consultation? Call us at (210) 615-1300 and ask about our Mother’s Day special. We’ll have you looking and feeling your best just in time for the summer months!

13 Apr


Do you envy the gorgeous models in magazines, online and on TV who have full, gorgeous lips and cheeks?

Well you don’t have to envy them anymore! You too can have a wrinkle-free pout and youthful, full cheeks with JUVEDERM. This injectable gel is the first, FDA-approved filler that can add instant volume to the cheek area. Which everyone wants, because let’s face it – sunken-in cheeks just make you look old and gaunt.

Juvederm-benefitsThis hyaluronic acid filler can correct mild to moderate wrinkles and folds around your mouth and nose, too! Our specialists have lots of varieties of facial fillers that can help with under eye bags and wrinkles, smile lines and other folds and wrinkles on the face.

What is hyaluronic acid?

It’s already found naturally in the human body and skin, however as we age, it decreases more and more. This is similar to how collagen and elastin break down as we age. Sunlight and other environmental factors can affect this as well. But the results are obvious, loss of skin structure and volume, and wrinkles and folds start to form.

Isn’t time you did something great for your skin? Something everyone else can see? With just one, comfortable treatment, you’ll get smooth, natural-looking results that can last up to a year!

Click here to learn more, and see a featured, video testimonial – then contact us here to schedule your consultation.

26 Mar

The facts about Botox

A woman using lip glossYou have probably heard horror stories about anti-aging surgeries and injections. You’ve likely seen the pictures and heard the testimonials. But what you need to know is that those are very rare and blown-out-of-proportion cases. And many times, they weren’t performed by a properly trained and certified technician or nurse.

So in the spirit of transparency, we’d like to educate you on what you really need to know about BOTOX, and what it can do for you to turn back the hands of time.

Over 11 million people have had a Botox treatment, and have realized that they do NOT paralyze your face muscles. This is probably the biggest misconception out there, that you won’t be able to make facial expressions – this couldn’t be further from the truth.

We want to make our patients look younger, happier and healthier – not like fake dolls with expressionless faces. You can still smile, look surprised and won’t look like you’ve had work done to your face or neck. These injections improve and soften the look of frown or smile lines, crow’s feet and wrinkles – all with no downtime.

As if that wasn’t great enough, the results have been shown to last as long as 4 months, and you can see results in as little as one week to 10 days!

This product is actually the #1 most-prescribed product of its kind in the U.S., and for good reason.

It just works.

There‘s even a 95% satisfaction rate for most patients surveyed.

Don’t put off liking what you see in the mirror any longer, click here to learn more and for more quick facts or just give us a call to schedule your consultation and appointment! 210-615-1300


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(210) 615-1300